Tuesday, January 22, 2008

1. Describe a time in your life when you felt like an "OUTSIDER" or left out of the larger group.....

A time in my like when i felt left out of the larger group is when my mom and my aunts was talking about my birthday gift and i couldnt know.

2. What are some times in your life when you have made to things that you did not want to do?

Going to school is something that i dont wanna do but i have to just to be susscessful in life.

3. What would be your defention of rebellion or rebel?

Rebellion-Its a refusal to accept authority

4. What are some reasons that you think people rebel?

Maybe because they dont like the offer.

5. Who are some people that you consider Rebels? Why?

I really dont consider anyone.

6. Do you think violence solves problems?

No,because it just escaldes the problem more.

7. What do you think are some non-violent ways to solve problems?

Talking it out

8. What is your defention of a gang?

It's just a bunch of people who act tough.

9. What is your opinion of gangs?

My opinion of gangs is that they are dumb because all they do is get people killed.

10. What are some reasons you think people form gangs?

For fun

11. Have you or anyone you know ever been affected by gang violence?


12. What are some books,movies,TV shows or music you have you read,sen.or heard about that present gang life?

The biograohy of Stanley Tookie Willaims-He was a Crip gang leader